Sameer Kulavoor : Illustration


A little about yourself. Why are you an Illustrator?
I’d call myself a visual artist, illustrator, designer and director of animation. I’ve always liked to sketch, scribble, make flip-books out of maths textbook, collect magazine cutouts, create scrapbooks, make weird characters with collage, get my hands dirty with my fav green sketch-pen and basically create images, some that are still, some that move. I realize I’m doing the same things now, in a different context, on a different scale, and varied mediums. Yeah, and seafood, beer, music does help.

Did you attend school for fine art or design?
I did my BFA from Sir. J. J. Institute of Applied Art.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
There were always people i looked up to, different people at different times/phases in life. Having one role model all your life would be boring!

When did you start freelancing?
I started freelancing before art school happened, doing small illustrations for magazines, school / college annuals, publications, etc. This was about 10 years back!

Was there any time when you wanted to quit Illustrations?
Nope, never, why would I want to quit something I love doing. There were rough patches when getting moneys out of clients was a task, but never did I think of quitting.

Are many advertising agencies getting illustrations made these days? Do you work more with agencies or publishers?
Yes, theres lot of illustration design happening in Indian advertising. But unfortunately most of them are unoriginal. Refreshing work is very rare.
Mostly I create illustration designs for agencies in the areas of lifestyle, sports, fashion and music.  I’m very open to publishers as well. Would love to work on more books with interesting themes.

Any other Indian Illustrators who you admire?
Shri. Ravi Paranjpe has been very prolific and has a terrific range of work, and he has been working since the 70s-80s. I admire him for his persistence, skills and hard work.

What advice do you have for aspiring creative professionals? Would you advise them to take on Illustration as a career option?
Illustration is an exciting career option if you really enjoy it and don’t mind the initial bit of struggle. Go for it!

Mac or PC?
mac, anyday.

Who would you like to take out for dinner?
if i could, it would be the spanish beauty Penelope Cruz!

What’s on your iPod?
Cake: B-sides and rarities, Thom Yorke: Spitting feathers, Radiohead: Rainbow, Nitin Sawhney..

Sameer can be contacted via his website here





17 thoughts on “Sameer Kulavoor : Illustration

  1. Radhika Raj says:


    Absolutely loved your work. Looking at ur site now… 🙂 Cheers!

  2. Bhim says:

    Nice work.

  3. Deepa Pol says:

    superb work… encouraging!!

  4. deshna says:

    awesome wrk

  5. Raghavendra says:

    Sameer always rocks ,
    nice illustration

  6. Suri says:

    Ur work can never be explained in words.. \m/

  7. sachin says:

    dam cool illutration.

  8. Outstanding, Sameer, this is quirky, intelligent, lively work. I love it.

  9. Thank you all for the comments!
    Gavin, even as a kid i remember being completely fascinated by the wacky ‘Give me red’ ads! thank you!

  10. Kanchan Dhankani says:

    lovely characters
    your style always has some fresh approach
    keep it up!

  11. Suneet says:

    Respect !!

  12. Christeena Vencilovuse says:

    wow….. u are doing great

  13. ashutosh nimbre says:

    i like ur work……!

  14. Pankh says:

    Lovely skill set! Enjoyed the visual treat. Detested the mental vibe of some of em. Provoking for sensitive minds (which doesn’t point just towards children, sadly). Regardless, as an artist myself, I am jealous >:/

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