
Mihir Hardikar : Photography

Mihir Hardikar is a Mumbai based commercial photographer with a focus on food, beverage, product & people photography.
After graduating from Sir JJ Institute of Applied Art, he went on to study at the Light & Life Academy in Ooty
where he specialised in different disciplines of photography.
Apart from his commercial work, he loves to swim, travel, try out different cuisines, street and sophisticated and dreams to taste local food from across the globe.

Why are you a photographer?
Don’t really have a philosophical or profound view on this.. It was just a natural progression from art college to specialisation to full time profession.


Vinit Bhatt : Photographer

A man who is seriously hindered by his inability to express anything worthwhile, except when it comes to expressing through his camera. Then he is a different beast. Passionate, crazy, creative, unwilling to rest till he gets the ‘perfect shot’.

Why are you a photographer?
There is no greater satisfaction than watching visual communication and visual arts come to life. An idea which is just a spark in someone’s mind, finds an expression which ignites different reactions and ways of thought in others. One may be awestruck, others may respect it, and yet others will find it a staircase to a new higher ‘thought’.


Ian Pereira : In A Chat With A Photographer

Ian grew up in Colaba. He was educated in Mumbai and graduated with a B.Com degree. He went to London in 1979 and studied photography at the Polytechnic of Central London, UK and worked at Colorama Processing labs too. Spent 3 months in Chicago assisting various photographers. In 1984, Ian returned to Mumbai and begun his career as an Advertising & Industrial Photographer and have successfully completed 30 years in the profession. He specializes in Still Life, Industrial, Jewellery, Food, Industrial and Product Photography.

Why are you a photographer?
As a teenager I began to love photography. My Dad is a serious amateur photographer. I got interested in photography and on a holiday, one day, he let me use the camera. My parents then realised that I had some talent and encouraged me to pursue photography as a career. They then sent me to London to study photography


Do you remember any decisive moment when you felt “I want to be a photographer”?
As I mentioned, my talent for photography was obvious from a young age. My parents took us on a holiday to the UK and US in 1976. I shot a lot of images on the trip. My Dad, who was Co-founder of Chaitra Advertising, was able to use one of the images of the Statue of Liberty that I had shot, in an advertisement. It was then that I decided that I would make a career out of photography



Ashish Shah : In a Chat With A Photographer

Beyond the hustle of our everyday struggle there exists a world of dreams. This is where his heart and his soul live.
Obsessed with dark stories of love and addiction, he captures the moods and emotions that write each individual story, a new chapter with every frame.

Well known for his captivating portraits and elegant fashion statements, he deftly plays with light and shadow, creating beautiful and subtle changes in texture and palate.
A perfectionist, combining an artist’s vision with a technician’s mastery of craft.

He was born and raised in the northern part of India, Ashish Shah currently lives in New Delhi and works worldwide.
He is currently represented by prestigious agency Bill Charles NY for United States.

Why are you a photographer?
I grew up listening to my grandmother telling stories and I don’t know when they affected me so much.
There was a certain feeling about the place, time, and the characters in her stories.

“A boy all alone is wondering in the mountains”.
“A girl sitting next to a river bed“.

As I grew older I started missing that cinematic journey.
Photography helps me live those moments again.
More than the idea of capturing moments through this androgynous machine called camera, I love the process of living those moments.

It is such an amazing medium to travel in time, it lets me dream.

Manpreet : Photography

Based in Delhi, got into photography without any formal training,
however learnt art of capturing frames while assisting.
Follow simplistic approach & try to develop own distinct style.
Has a knack for portraits & enjoy story based projects

Why are you a photographer?
I think it completes me as a person.

Do you remember any decisive moment when you felt ‘I want to be a photographer’?
Photography started way back in childhood , when use to eagerly wait for a one more chance to get hand on Father’s camera. In college it became more than a hobby with my first SLR but decided to take it as a career only after leaving my father’s business


Shovona Karmakar : In conversation with a Photographer / Artist


A Fine art Graduate from Kala Bhawan, Vishwabharti University, Shantiniketan and with a Foundation in Design from MIT Pune, She has well practiced in the visual media Specifically in Photography along Textile design and Graphic print. She has mixed up her sensibilities quite depicted in her Concepts,Food,Portraits and Cinemagraphs….

Along being a photographer she has worked as a Digital Artist in Wacom India, an internship with Vogue India, Documenter for Tata Tanishq and others…

She believes in an endless ongoing process to evolve and expand her capabilities as an artist and being ..


Why are you a photographer?
Photography and trying to make a living out of it, I personally feel is a mere play of my destiny .. which I guess had planned for me.. I was always into sketching and painting since childhood.. and after I gave up the plan to go for Indian Civil Service, I was planning for Animation and though I got through a design college.. I left to pursue for traditional painting. as I wanted to make something more personal.. but gradually I felt for a camera and digital illustration and art.. and finally after all those trials and errors of making life worth.. I found this medium of making Visuals..called photography..

I come from a family where parents give up their dreams to let their children live theirs.. it was a mere surprise for me to find my dad into photography in his 20’s and 30’s with a agfa click 4 film point and shoot camera.. and my mom being a self taught classical singer and dancer.. I guess I got their genes which helps me think creative and make it large every next day..

Do you remember any decisive moment when you felt ‘I want to be a photographer’?
Coming to the plan of being a photographer.. was one of the most interesting evolution I can ever think can happen with me or anybody.. bored of the very outdated techniques taught in my art college.. I brought a digital camera.. and while then I came across the idea of 365 project , I thought to do something but with a personal touch.. I just randomly planned to do a 365 self portrait which I named DESI INSIDE.. PARDESI OUTSIDE.. clicking myself for one complete year .. and shared it over various social media platform and it so happened.. that people started following me and I got the niche to move on with it … Then a life turning factor came.. and I believe self blessed to have it… Ritam Banerjee, an internationally known photographer .. saw my work and gave me an opportunity to come down to Mumbai..and helped me to see the industry in more practical terms..sure his guidance all these years has helped to make various logistics involved become easy to deal with.. He still plays an important role to help me become a better Photographer both Personally and Professionally…

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
I belong to an industrial community where being an Engineer or Doctor is meant important in life.. anything else is a taboo.. my parents wanted me to pursue any of the above as they were aware how to go about it.. but they were at the same time very supportive about what I want to be and where my interest belongs.. Beside my Dad and my mentor… being an art history student ..I came across and studied various national and international artist from various mediums like painting to graphic print to sculpture… understanding the way they lived their creative life, struggles and how they came up with what they came up is important in terms of understanding its own evolution..

Who was the most influential personality on your career in photography?
I somewhere felt free and got the gut to think differently when I came across one of the best photographers internationally ,Erik Almas.. his personal struggle for 20 years to get his big break into this industry still give me the Lift when I feel Blue.. sure his works amazes people.. but his personal struggles is something amazes me above all..

How has photography changed over the course of the last couple of decades? Is execution/art direction more important than it used to be?
To be honest I am just a starter into this industry.. still having those baby steps.. But if u ask me to talk about it.. Photography in India.. has changed since the Camera companies has started marketing it immensely and the reasonable prices have made it reachable to every individual now..Sure Having it digital is the biggest Revolution into this field.. Though the positive aspect I feel.. is the Respect now as a Professional Photographer gets, but still indians has to understand the good work from the bad.. as every one is becoming a photographer its giving a tough fight for the one who deserves.. as in India.. involved Logistic Quantity Dominates over Quality..

What do you think of the current state of Print Advertising photography in India? Is it at par with the work done worldwide?
India is Growing.. the evolution of internet has made the world small.. coming aware of whats happening abroad is not a surprising factor anymore.. Sure Indian Creative industry concerns more over Quantity than Quality, few Indian photographers have proved they are at par with international standards.. Still a lot of awareness about the Quality has to be done in creative Institutes and other.
I don’t feel we lack anything.. If one is given a freedom of expression… taking care what the concept demands.. sure We can give a tough competition to the west.

Where do you get your inspiration?

How did you get focussed so much on food photography?
I am a big foodie… as I lost 20 kgs during my well admired project of 365 self portrait, I became quite a health conscious person.. As I live alone and i spent my quality time beside my working table in kitchen.. trying to come out with something healthy and simple, Thanks to my dietician.. 😀 .. so being a photographer .. trying a hand over this topic was not a surprise.. it again helped me to share what I like with people. Initially I remained terrible with it.. but gradually as I studied others work, I started coming up with decent images.. enough to call clients like restaurants and cooking hobbyist to photograph and document their product respectively…

Cinemagraphs are still a new medium. How did you start creating them?
Cinemagraphs, or living photographs is something will force you to see things differently.. Came across these simple GIFS while I was Googling..researched about the technicalities involved.. and gradually I started observing these Frames with mere actions in my day to day life..

My very first cinemagraph was about two carpenters working in their factory…

Initially you don’t get whats happening .. but as you start shaping the image to a living image.. it just becomes an immortal movement…

Though this medium has some restrains.. but above all.. its sometimes somewhere speaks more than a photographs and I like that factor.. the production of a seamless cinema graphs has its own challenge which one can come out with proper planning..

Was there any time when you wanted to quit photography?
Well I have just started.. so this question doesn’t imply on me now.. but for sure.. creating visuals is something I guess I will not get bored off.. not so soon I guess.. as I keep on trying to incorporate other mediums to make it larger than what it remains.. and yes making a living out of it.. requires a lot of patience and input in-terms of hard-work and lots of homework to make clients believe what you are capable off.. which is sometimes frustrating..

Any current work in Indian Advertising that you find exciting? Especially Print?
There are many whom I admire and get inspired a lot from.. Old is gold.. Nirma.. Lijjat papad and latest Vodaphone and Fevicol are some which are anytime amusing.. I admire the Indian Flavour Amul Print Advertisment has carried all the way all these years..

Whats your dream project?
Talking about dreams projects.. I will like to say SURPRISE projects.. :D.. my first 365 self portrait 2010-2011, project which I just started randomly was a Surprise for me… that I did..then last year.. I planned to discover Chattisgarh, India and it surprised me with its beauty.. discovered some amazing landscapes to getting an unexpected entry to open coal mines.. going all the way 150feet deep down the earth and discovering the FIRE OVER WATER factor and then the portrait session of Coal Employees.. coming from various part of INDIA working harmoniously keeping aside all the cultural and religious differences aside.. was quite an learning experience for me
Presently I am doing my second 365 days.. 🙂

looking forward for more surprise projects which will help me discover myself…. 😀

Who would you want to spend a dinner with?
Back home with my family..

Whats on your iPod?
Though I carry a transcend as it fitted my budget over IPOD.. I love to have those pop music and instrumental.. forcing me tap my feet and rock on hard…

Mac or PC?
I started with a PC.. but now I find self addicted to Mac 😀
























Charudutt Chitrak : Interview with a photographer

“I would rather talk about me through my pictures than in words. And may be thats why I m a Photographer.”

I have always tried to create pictures that come through self expression, even in advertising no matter how tight the clients brief is .
So you would know something about me in most of my images.

According to me a picture is pointless without a photographers view point a photographer has to put something of himself in every picture he takes whether it is for selling a product in advertising, documenting the truth in journalism or the opulence in fashion.

Why are you a photographer?
Because nothing seemed easier to me, as per me photography is extremely simple and that is what makes it so complicated.
It is one of the best ways to create art and at the same time document life ,photography gives you the power to freeze moments in time, it’s upto you how beautifully you do it.

Do you remember any decisive moment when you felt ‘I want to be a photographer’?
Wanting to give photography a try as a carrier I looked for photographer to assist.
And got an opportunity to meet Pradeep Das Gupta. It was the first meeting with him in his Khirki Studio that comes closest to that decisive moment.
I was in awe of dada as everyone fondly calls him. His personality, his work and his space left no doubt in my mind that i wanted to be a photographer.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
As I was growing up it was like any other kid in school.
My role models were Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando, Sylvester Stallone in Rocky and Cobra, Michael Jackson, George Michael, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan. In short all the role models you can think of from my generation. I was and i am still very easily influenced . It was a great time. Sorry wish I could give a more intellectual answer.

Who was the most influential personality on your career in photography?
My mentor Pradeep Das Gupta.

How has photography changed over the course of the last couple of decades? Is execution/art direction more important than it used to be?
The shift from analogue to digital did not only changed the material, but also the pivotal moment has become a product of a more conscious thinking than what we called an accidental moment. No matter how sure or planned you were while shooting on film there was always something accidental and unforeseen to the extent of being mysterious, which you only realised when the film was later developed. That was the real juice or gift of photography to a photographer. That moment does not exists anymore. You know everything before it is printed, you are too safe and anything can be changed later on Photoshop. Todays digital photography is like knowing everything about your child even before it is born. God forbid if you had the means to design your own child your would never be satisfied and thats what digital is. Analogue is like the excitement, the joy of seeing your child for the first time.

This was exactly what we saw in the work of great masters of photography whether fashion or journalism the beauty of accident.
The technique of execution was a big part of becoming a master photographer (of course the idea was always of utmost importance).
But today you don’t have to be a photographer in the literal sense the line between a photographer and visual artist has burled out.

Today we shoot and shoot till we get it perfect or rather what we think is perfect.
Since technology is in a race to make photography a child’s play, photography has come down to only the exclusivity of subject and idea.
Which kills the romance that once revolved around execution of it, going to locations, waiting for the right moment, fabricating sets, and days of planning a shoot is in most cases has been replaced by green screen with endless days of staring into a monitor.

What do you think of the current state of Print Advertising photography in India? Is it at par with the work done worldwide?
Are you kidding..
Unfortunately today advertising and therefore advertising photography with it, is a money game. Photographers come under the category of vendors
India is going through a phase where quantity is more important than quality. Furthermore the lack of awareness and understanding of art in majority of our population makes it even worse.

To be fair we cannot compare Indian photography to the world because considering the history of advertising photography in the west we are mere infants.

I am not saying that India advertising photography is not at par with the world but there is a lack of personal style and originality in our work which is because photographers here are not encouraged or chosen for a particular assignment on the basis of there personal style but for all the other reasons like rapport, cost factors etc. May be that is why we don’t have photographers in India like David LaChappel, Helmut Newton, Antin Corbjin, Tim Walker, Steven Meisel, who have their own distinct styles. S o much so that sometimes campaigns are designed around them.

Where do you get your inspiration?
From everything around me.
Anything and everything.
Was there any time when you wanted to quit photography?
As they say once a photographer always a photographer.
You just cant stop looking at the world in light, shade , objects, perspective and shapes.

So yes quitting photography would only mean two things not earning my bread and butter through it or when i have nothing left to say.

Any current work in Indian Advertising that you find exciting? Especially Print?
Hoping to see one soon.

Whats your dream project?
My dream project would be to create fashion images influenced by social issues and current affairs. I feel in india our view on fashion photography is very limited to conventional aesthetics and beauty (what ever that means). And this is most evident in the field of celebrity portraits in India. I would really enjoy shooting a series of Indian celebrity portraits in my own way. Something that talks about there achievements, personality secrets etc. Rather than just a beauty picture.

Who would you want to spend a dinner with?
I. Cant think of one person I am more influenced and greedier than that.

Whats on your iPod?
I can’t find my i pod may be its lost. But if you want to know what was on it then everything from trance to techno, underground to U2, Sting etc.

Mac or PC?
I am not a techno loyalist.
Which ever is more convenient and simpler to use at that moment.
Currently Mac though.



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Rohit Redkar Photography

Rohit is a man of few words, lets his work do the talking for him. Probably he was attracted to the camera before he noticed the opposite gender ;). As much as he is comfortable behind the camera the situation is totally reverse when he has to smile for the camera.

Why are you a photographer?
It’s the only Best thing I can do in this life. I m leaving my dream.

Do you remember any decisive moment when you felt ‘I want to be a photographer’?
Nothing specific moment, when I decided to be photographer.

I was an engineering student. I was very bad in studies, never enjoyed studying.


Rohit Gandhi Photography

Rohit is an artist by choice where the medium does not matter. From colors to film, the medium may have changed; the imagination to perceive has not. Always looking forward to a take that is fresh and energetic has moved him, and motion for the interactive market is not far behind. Educated at Sir J.J. Institute of Applied Arts, Mumbai, with majors in photography and assistantship with Jatin Kampani and Israr Qureshi in 2002 – 2003 made it sure what he has always been looking for.

Why are you a photographer?
It is a perfect blend of art and technology. As much as I am in love with art of creating pictures, the technology that can raise the bar of imagery is equally motivating. The physics of light and shadow and how it can be brought alive is very exciting. A lot runs through your mind and unless it takes shape in reality, the justice has not been done. It’s imperative to express and show what you really feel and share it with the world. Happiness comes when you share it with the world and find a connection.

David De Souza : Photography

A photographer by serendipity, happy accident. Bought a second hand camera in 1977 it had a mission and a destiny for me like a magic talisman, no one would have predicted, least of all me that I would change my profession for the third time with it.

Why are you a photographer?
I wish I could answer that, some people have profound answers, I dont think I chose it, it chose me. I sort of like being led by my nose, well……..err……let my wife not hear that.

Do you remember any decisive moment when you felt ‘I want to be a photographer’?
No there was no Road to Damascus or some bolt of lightening, sorry I know its boring, its just one of those things, after a few years of making photographs, I looked back and said – gee, I must be a photographer, because I am not gardening, or in an office or whatever. Its always by ‘default’.
