Ad Agency: Blue Noodles, Chennai, India
Art Director: Rai
Copywriter: PC Muralidharan
Sharp Air Purifiers by Horizon9
Advertising Agency: Horizon9, Noida, India
Lead Designer: Sharat Mohan
Design team: Irshad Saifi, Priyanka Kanwal
Copywriter: Abhishek Sajwan, Kshitij Narain
Social Media: Ankita Singh
Account Management: Pranjal Misra, Prakhar Srivastava
Business Director: Abhishek Ghavri
Creative Director: Kshitij Narain

Libra Mattresses by Horizon9
Advertising Agency: Horizon9, Noida, India
Lead Designer: Sharat Mohan
Art Director: Irshad Saifi, Priyanka Kanwal
Copywriter: Abhishek Sajwan, Kshitij Narain
Social Media: Ankita Singh
Account Management: Pranjal Misra, Prakhar Srivastava
Business Director: Abhishek Ghavri
Creative Director: Kshitij Narain

Vansaar 45+ by Enso Business Consulting
Advertising Agency: Enso Business Consulting, India
Brand Name: Vansaar 45+
Art Director: Aditya Somaiya
Copywriter: Sana Inamdar
Designer: Abhinav Garga

Unwanted Sleep by Horizon9
Advertising Agency: Horizon9, Noida, India
Lead Designer: Sharat Mohan
Copywriter: Abhishek Sajwan, Kshitij Narain
Account Management: Mishpreet Kaur
Business Director: Abhishek Ghavri
Creative Director: Kshitij Narain

Food Typography by Albert Dali
Advertising Agency: Blue Noodles, Chennai, India
Art Director: Albert Dal-E
Copywriter: Anantha Narayan

Chotu Ki Chah by Post office Media
Advertising Agency: Post Office Media, India
Production Company: Post Office Media, India
Art Director: Vipul Arora
Copywriter: Vipul Arora
Let’s reflect on the stark reality of the Indian education system. Shocking statistics reveal that a staggering 8.4 crore children are deprived of schooling, with approximately 78 lakh youngsters forced into labor even while attending schools. It’s time to unite for their right to education and a childhood free from exploitation

World Polio Day by Post Office Media
School: Post Office Media, India
School: Post Office Media, India
Art Director: Vipul Arora
Copywriter: Vipul Arora
Hero Lectro
Advertising Agency: Sociowash, India
Co-founder: Pranav Agarwal
Business Head: Apoorva Deep
Creative Director/Copywriter: Vaibhav Mukim
Art Director: Mayank Sharma

Care For Liver by Sting Communications
Advertising Agency: Sting Communications, Kolkata, India
Art Director: Manas Das
Illustrator: Jayanta Chakraborty
Ideator: Somnath Banerjee
Copywriter: Rajdeep Mukherjee
Copy Supervisor: Somnath Banerjee
Company Director: Somnath Banerjee