Rayomand Patell

Rayomand Patell : My First Break In Advertising

I finished my B.Com examination, the very next day i went by to Everest and Chaitra (Now Leo Burnett) asked for a copy test as i’d been at both agencies as a summer trainee.

Both agencies said yes, i chose Everest as i felt i’d have more people to teach me there. My mentor at Everest was a wonderful Sr. Writer called Hanoz Mogrelia (now a big daddy at DDB) and
i owe him a lot. He really took a chance on me. I cannot tell you the sense of deep gratitude i have towards him. Plus i had wonderful creative directors in the
form of Jaikrit Rawat, Vinayak Ponkshe and Iqbal Raj, each of whom taught me so much in those first five years there. The agency was very welcoming and nurturing towards a newbie.
In turn, i’ve tried to keep that going with people i hire. The same sense of absolute responsibility, absolute freedom and having to run with the ball independently.