Piyush Jain Senior Copywriter

The Safer City Project: Cheil’s idea for Safety for Women

We have employed a simple yet unique idea to turn advertising billboards into a tool for women safety. The billboards installed with high lumen lighting turns into streetlights at night in dark locations. Thus giving a safer, secure feeling for citizens of the city, especially women. 

The national capital of India is known as the rape capital of India. It may be a case of mislabeling, but the high incidence of crimes against women is a reality.

Every day there are reports of such incidents in the popular press.
Dark, unlit streets in the city only add to the problem. There is a direct correlation between crime rates and bad lighting.
This insight is what galvanized Halonix, a lighting solutions company, into action. The idea was simple, why not design advertising billboards that turn into street lights by night.
To kickstart the effort, Halonix invited the citizens of Delhi to name streets or area in their neighbourhood that needed better lighting. The facebook page of Halonix registered many such suggestions. The top suggestion was identified by a poll. As a test run, a Halonix billboard was put up in Vasant Kunj. Encouraged by the response, the company installed billboard at more locations.
The feedback was continually positive, so the company approached owners and agencies of outdoor billboard locations to take the idea to a national level. Again the solution was simple. The billboard would carry an advertising message by day. By night, the lights of the billboard would be turned outwards, pointed towards the street rather than the advertising message. So a dark, dangerous street could be turned into a bright, well-lit one.
The idea was well received by outdoor site mangers and owners. Some of whom even wrote in letters of appreciation for this unique effort.
In a matter of weeks, advertising billboards with a social conscience sprung up all over the country. Mohali, Chennai, Mysore, Lucknow, Allahabad, Kanpur all saw the setting up of billboards that were advertising messages by day and streets lights by night.

Chief Creative Officer: Nima Namchu
Group Creative Direcotr: Navin Theeng
Group Creative Director: Kaushik Saha
Creative Director: Shiva Kumar
Creative Director: Piyush Jain
Senior Copywriter: Saurabh Sabikhi
Senior Art Director: Deepak Bisht





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