
Ananda Maharjan, Typographer and Graphic Designer in Kathmandu

Graphic Designer and  Type Designer from Kathmandu, Nepal, 29 years old, 9 years experience in design field, also a CSS Developer and Photographer. Recently working in Grafioffshore Nepal as a Senior Graphic Designer.

Why are you a Graphic Designer?
I was always interested in Design and Typography.

Did you attend school for fine art or design?
I was a Managment student because there were no any design colleges in Nepal at that time. After completion of Bachelor in Business Administration, I attended a two years intermediate course in Fine Arts from Lalitkala Fine Art Campus.


Sabeena Karnik: Typography

Sabeena Karnik is a Graphic Designer from Mumbai. She is a freelancer specializing in paper typography and has developed her own style in 3D sculpturing using paper. Her recent works include a typography campaign for Tanishq jewellery and a title design for a short documentary for The American Cancer Society. She teaches painting, calligraphy and sells art in her free time.

Why are you a Graphic Designer?
Right since I can remember, art was chasing me. I always had a pencil in hand and colors were in plenty. I would be doodling all the time, even the walls of my house were not spared. So taking up art as a career was a very natural instinct. It was a hard choice to make between applied art and fine art. But I can never make something just to keep myself happy, I think that is what fine art is all about. For me creating something has to be for others be it a product, the way it looks, the way it is presented. That is basically the work of a graphic designer. Hence it had to be applied art. I do a lot of paintings too, but its again an idea that I am presenting and working around.