Client: Mejuri Jewelry School: Miami Ad School Description: Bridesmaids are getting tired of the cult-like nature of being asked to be in a wedding party. It’s unorganized, chaotic, and impractical. Mejuri decided to help them.
Target Audience: Classical Brides.
Credits: Georgia Luquini (Copywriter) Tan Wan (Art Director) Courtney Davis (Art Director)
Advertised brand: Google Advert title: Save Our Stores Media: Integrated, Social Advertising School: Miami Ad School, San Francisco Art Directors: Aarti Thamma, Katelyn Gelfand, Darian Ghaznavi Copywriters: David Webb
Synopsis: Small businesses compose 44% of the US economy. But the pandemic could change that forever. Over 100,000 small businesses have permanently disappeared during the COVID-19 pandemic. They desperately need help but don’t know how to ask. So how do we help small businesses get customers into the store while being cautious?
Well, sometimes the only way to get help is by being transparent about the problem. The pandemic has caused a lot of suffering across the spectrum. In times when everybody needs a helping hand, those who can help are confused about who they can help. In such times, if you don’t ask for help, you may not get it.
So, let’s use the world’s most popular map to show us which businesses need help and how one can map their impact. Google Maps releases S.O.S Mode allowing small businesses to map their financial health in real-time during the pandemic.
Advertised brand: Pepsi Advert title(s): Back to School with Pepsi Advertising Agency: Miami Ad School, Miami, USA Creative Director: Gustavo Sanchez Art Director: Tassia Valim Copywriter: Tassia Valim Illustrator: Tassia Valim Design: Tassia Valim Short rationale: “A dynamic and fun promo video for a Back to School campaign attracting younger audiences to Pepsi’s new app.”
Advertised brand: Lay’s Advert title(s): #SaltyNotSorry Advertising Agency: Miami Ad School, Miami, USA Creative Director: Manolo Garcia Art Director: Tassia Valim Copywriter: Skyler Braswell, Luvkumar Khemlani Design: Tassia Valim Short rationale: “#Saltynotsorry is an integrated campaign encouraging people to be honest and have fun, no matter the situation. According to Urban Dictionary, the word “salty” is to be bitter or upset. However, thanks to pop culture, the term has generated a trend of memes that we can laugh about. We want people to experience fun moments of enjoyment with any interaction throughout their day.”
Advertised brand: Connect4Climate Advert title(s): #EarthMode Advertising Agency: Miami Ad School, Miami, USA Creative Director: Manolo Garcia Art Director: Tassia Valim Copywriter: Skyler Braswell, Luvkumar Khemlani Design: Tassia Valim Published: May, 2020 Short rationale: “The environmental effects of climate change are affecting our planet to the point where Earth is losing its color. Therefore, Connect4Climate introduces #EarthMode, a movement that reflects Earth’s loss of color in our digital world. Influential brands partnered with Connect4Climate will remove the color from the icons of their apps and challenge users to return the color by taking small sustainable actions. Together we will bring back our beloved colors digitally and in reality.”
Advertised brand: Adidas Advert title(s): Ozone Advertising Agency: Miami Ad School, Madrid, Spain. Copywriter: Cesar Rodd (Rodriguez), Beatriz Salmeron Art Director: Laura Colored, Pjotr Barakov Short rationale: “Adidas launches Ozone, a running shoe that measures pollution and collects data to provide the runner with the cleanest route for a run.”
Touristification of a locale may seem beneficial but locals may not always agree with this idea. Apart from the obvious economic upside, it brings a lot more issues in the city like crowds, pollution, an increase in rates of commodities, etc. All this leads to friction between tourists and locals. To ease this friction, Niantic developed ‘Mayor’. It is an application that caters to both locals and tourists. The locals recommend their favorite spots and activities to tourists. Tourists can vote for these recommendations. Each month the local with the most votes gets to be the virtual mayor of the city. Being the mayor brings a lot of perks such as discounts, free parking, and the like. With Mayor, locals get a new way to enjoy the touristification of their city.
Awards and Publications Vega Digital Gold Award Published in Ads of the World
Team Members Creative Technologist: Sukratti Jain, Paras Juneja
Title: Nest Safe Sleeve
School: Miami Ad School San Francisco
Art Director: Neha Biluve and Renny Eackelbary
Copywriter: Hatem El Akad, Amber Jolley and Prasiddha Thiyagarajan
Owning a firearm in the United States is a fundamental right.
And over 43% of the U.S. population owns at least one firearm to feel safe and protected.
Despite the many laws in place regulating gun ownership, violent crimes continue to rise.
That’s because 79% of violent acts involve a stolen firearm.
What’s more alarming is that the shooters are taking guns from their friends and family members.
It’s time for legal gun owners to feel safe and protected with their firearms.
Brand: Durex Campaign Title: Paraplay Advertising School: Miami Ad School, Mumbai. Copywriter: Anisha Chavan, Nagma Dhingra Art Director: Nihal Bambulkar, Kanchi Undevia Mentor: Deep Chhabria, Siddhi Ranade
Description/Synopsis: Disability sex is a notion that often remained ignored or unenlightened by the mass. Some reasons being people associating helplessness with a disability or assuming disabled people being incapable of having sex. This project not only manages to give sexual pleasures to the disabled but also brings this notion to the limelight.
Brand: Lego Campaign Title: Lego Models of United Nations Advertising School: Miami Ad School, Mumbai.
Personal Credits: Copywriter: Anisha Chavan, Nagma Dhingra Art Director: Nihal Bambulkar, Kanchi Undevia Mentor: Deep Chhabria, Siddhi Ranade
This piece has won Bronze in Summit Awards 2020.
Description/Synopsis: Teenagers like Greta Thunberg have proven that they have creative solutions to save the world. But with social distancing amid COVID-19, events are cancelled everywhere. However, ideas can not be isolated. Presenting Lego Models of United Nations, an online forum for the youth to discuss world problems using LEGO. Teenagers can pick various causes and share their creative solutions to save the world from their homes.