A campaign for a new Cancer Association dedicated raising awareness to the needs of young adult cancer patients.
Every day in Israel, ten young adults ages 18-40 find out they are have cancer. Still, the country’s support system does not recognize this age category as a population with special needs.
Quite the opposite in fact. For many of these young adults who are just starting out in life – starting a family, buying an apartment, beginning their careers; getting cancer means getting stuck.
Why? Because young cancer patients (and even recovering young cancer patients) can’t get a mortgage, women cancer patients are not told to freeze their eggs (in spite of what you can imagine cancer treatments may do to their ability to conceive & have a baby) and 60% of them are not hired back to work. For them, getting cancer means getting stuck.
The “Stop Cancer” association was created to change that and provide a network of support for young adults with cancer. Therefore, in honour of the first ‘Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week’, we launched #The_Cancer_That_Stuck_Me.
The idea behind the campaign was to emphasize that while a ‘regular’ 29-year-old, buying his first apartment, life is on track to move forward, the life of another person that same age, who just was diagnosed with cancer, suddenly gets stuck. While he is asked to deal with the disease, once recovered buying an apartment will be an impossible dream as he will not be eligible for any funding or mortgage.
The campaign carried which was carried out on every media platform available, attempts to illustrate our cancer patients getting stuck and began with organic Instagram stories which hit a nerve and spread everywhere as hundreds of celebrities joined our cause and shared their stories. Live prime television broadcasts froze, live radio broadcasts got stuck as did TV Promos, Movie trailers and YouTube pre-rolls. Even Israeli President Mr. Reuven Rivlin voiced his position in support of our goal.
Agency Credits:
Advertising Agency: BBR Saatchi & Saatchi, Israel
Chief Executive Officer: Ben Muskal
Chief Creative Officer: Yaron Perel
Creative Director: Kobi Cohen
Art Director: Gali Divon
Account Supervisor: Moran Darzi
Account Executive: Adva Aviad
Media Strategy Manager: Ronit Shekel
Marcom Director: Eva Hasson
VP Content & Production: Iris Yisraeli
Producers: Livnat Alon
Photographer: Ron Kedmi
Video Photographer: Leehou Porat
Video Editor: Tom Lin
Original Music: Yaya Cohen Aharonov
Studio BBR Manager: Yaron Keinan
Studio BBR: Zehava Gonen Greenberg, Masha Varshitsky, Noam Carmel, Jenny Gindus, Eyal Vinitzer, Gabi Levi Elkayam, Robert Mizikovsky
Stop Cancer Team:
Marketing & Strategic Manager: Adi Muggia
Community & social network Manager: Yifat Mor
Minisite Content Manager & copywriter: Sharon Shinar
Minisite Technical operator: Liran Rozen (Anova company)
Tal Center non-profit organization Team:
CEO & Stop Cancer project manager: Shira Segal Kuperman
Chief Executive Officer of Foreign relations & resources developing: Saar Amir
Operation& publicity manager: Shani Adelshtein
Tal Center Founders: Zohar & Yankale Yakobson
Ben Horin & Alexandrovitz Public Relations Team:
Head of Public Sector Department: Amit Melnik
Team leader: Ortal Elias
Media consultant: Yuval Mor