Leo Burnett Israel

Leo Burnett Israel and Samsung present: “Flight of the Bumblebee”

Nowadays you have to be alert, attentive, on the lookout. You’ve got to keep your phone at hand and be prepared to draw it out in an instant, because you never know what situation you will encounter that will warrant documenting.
It could be an elephant giving birth at the safari.
It could be a triple rainbow.
or it could be a traffic cop dancing in the middle of a busy street intersection.
At those moments, it is crucial you be able to operate and access the right camera features on your mobile at lightning speed because that may just determine whether your footage becomes the next big video sensation and ends up conquering the web.
That’s why for the launch of the new Galaxy S21 series with its advanced photography and video capturing features, we brought the story of a bumblebee that surprises a Dad making him do all kinds of goofy stuff you wouldn’t want to miss capturing. So while Dad is seen dancing to the tune of the bumblebee, his kids pull out their devices and document the moment, each using a different feature of the phone.
Watch our commercial here:

Agency Credits: Leo Burnett Israel
Client: Samsung Israel
CEO: Ori Gal
CCO: Ami Alush
VP Client Services: Yonatan Regev
Creative Director: Oren Ben Naim
Creative Team: Hezkush Yeshurun, Meital Miller
Agency Producer: Menny Zarhia
Account Supervisor: Hagay Zaken
Account Manager: Efrat Gelfand
Director: Eran-Shushu Spanier
Production Company: Green Productions
Marcom Director: Eva Hasson

Leo Burnett Israel and Samsung Israel present: Galaxy Note 20/20 Project

Over the last six months, tens of thousands of businesses in Israel have been affected by the coronavirus outbreak.
So for the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 20, we decided to help 20 small businesses owners and connect them with the leading digital creators in Israel.
We handed each of our creators a the new and powerful Galaxy Note 20, and with the help of its advanced features, they shot, illustrated, photographed and edited a variety of advertising and digital tools the small business owners can use to advertise and publicize their businesses, services and goods.
To date, millions of Israelis have been exposed to billboards, promotional videos and other commercial items we created this way which we hope will march our small businesses owners into a new era of prosperity and success.


Agency Credits: Leo Burnett Israel
Client: Samsung
CEO: Ori Gal
CCO: Ami Alush
VP Client Services: Yonatan Regev
Creative Director: Oren Ben Naim
Creative Team: Hezkush Yeshurun, Jonathan Blieden
Agency Producer:  Menny Zarhia
Account Supervisor:  Hagay Zaken
Account Manager: Efrat Gelfand
Director: Omri Dekel-Kadosh
Production Company: Udini Films
Creators: Shany Reich, Tal Gutberg  , Yael Linzen Segal  ,  Michael_Topyol,
Marcom Director: Eva Hasson

Leo Burnett Israel and Doritos present: “The Last Doritos”

If you’ve tried recently tried lacing a grocery delivery order, you may have discovered that the more this health crisis drags on, the longer the grocery delivery timeframes become. A that’s a major problem if you’re running out of Doritos.
Everyone knows that you simply can’t resist a pack of Doritos. From the moment you crack a pack open till you see the last crumb, less than a minute will go by for the entire pack to be downed and forgotten. So what do you do in times of Corona when you’re in self isolation and the next grocery delivery isn’t for another two weeks? The answer: self-mastery and rationing – to make the last crumb last.

Agency Credits: Leo Burnett Israel
Client: Doritos- Strauss Group Israel
CEO: Ori Gal
CCO: Ami Alush
VP Client Services: Idit Zukerman
Creative Team : Meital Miller, Michal Perry
Agency producer: Menny Zarhia
Account supervisor: Shiran Feldman
Account Manager: Sapir Yaron
Director, Editor, Photography and Acting : Asaf Asulin
Marcom: Eva Hasson

Following Eva : What if a Girl during the Holocaust had Instagram? By Leo Burnett Israel

How do you recount the story of the Holocaust to today’s youth in a way that will make them sit up and listen? You grab them by the guts on the right medium.

Meet @eva.stories – a first person account of Nazi persecution.

Eva Heiman, a 13-year-old girl from Hungary who perished in Auschwitz, left a diary describing the last months of her life. • In preparation of the Holocaust Remembrance Day, her diary will be adapted into more than 50 Instagram stories depicting her life which will be published every 30 minutes on @eva.stories Instagram page set up especially for this purpose.

Imagine what would have happened if the Jewish kids who lived during the Holocaust had had a smartphone, social networks and could have documented what was going on? That was the starting point for ‘Eva’s Stories’ – a unique new Instagram series which will for this year’s Holocaust Remembrance Day, over a period of 24 hours, issue a new story every 30 minutes documenting the life of Eva Haiman, a 13-year-old girl from Hungary who perished in Auschwitz, and left her diary behind.

When the Nazis invaded Hungary in 1944, Eva Heiman was a 13-year-old girl living in the town of Nagyvarad. She began to write a diary on her birthday, February 13th 1944 and stopped on May 30th 1944 – just three months later and three days before she was deported by train to Auschwitz, where she perished.

75 years later, her story has been adapted into a special film project produced and created by hi-tech entrepreneur Matti Kohavi and his daughter Maya, who invested millions of dollars in the project. To do that, they adapted Eva’s personal diary into a screenplay and together with a team of 400 production people, actors and extras, they reconstructed Eva’s life and filmed it in Lviv Ukraine.

“We took the diary and actually translated it into a full 70-minute film,” Mati Kochavi explains. “It is one of the biggest projects that Instagram has ever done.” We asked ourselves what would happen if Eva, instead of a pen and paper for writing a diary, had a smartphone and Instagram. That’s when we decided to shoot the entire film with a smartphone or a camera that simulates the smartphone, with the girl always holding the camera, and the entire film being shot from her perspective”. Kochavi adds that “the idea was to build the environment in which Eva lived and supposedly photographed what she was sending to her friends.”

Eva’s story will be recounted on the special Instagram page set up in her memory for Holocaust Memorial Day. During 24 hours, her life will be brought to life through still images, text passages and stories that will let the audience bear witness to events that took place during the last months of her life – from getting to know her family and friends, through to the Nazi invasion of her city, the uprooting from the house, move to the ghetto, violence and torture she survived, right up to her boarding the train to Auschwitz.

When asked Maya Kochavi said: “The stories will turn Eva from a nameless face into a colorful, lifelike and relevant figure that tells about of her life and what’s happening in it in much the same way millions of people around the world today document their everyday lives”.

Working with Leo Burnett Israel to get the word out, the campaign launched with billboards and a teaser trailer video “What if a girl during the holocaust had Instagram?” and influencer activation strategy. Within hours it sparked a nationwide conversation and @eva.stories Instagram page became the first commercial Instagram page in Israel to organically gather over 120.000 followers in a week. While over 1,000 influencers and Israeli celebrities have already posted about Eva’s Stories, the real win so far is to see the number of youngsters who have signed up to the page and are for the first time discussing Holocaust Day ahead of time.

So when does the page kick-off for real? On May 1st. Posts will appear every 30 minutes until 10:00 AM on May 2nd the time at which the siren will sound and people all over Israel will stand still for a one minute of silent remembrance. Time at which we will also air Eva’s last story – right before she was shipped off to Auschwitz, never to return.

To follow our stories on Instagram: @eva.stories

Project credits:

Screenplay: Maya Kochavi & Mati Kochavi
Direction: Mati Kochavi & Mayv Kochavi
Executive producers: Mati Kochavi & Yona Wiesental
Production company: Pov Productions, Color film
Producers: Neta Karni & Hadar Albaranes&Liat Lehavi
Dop: Lael UtnikLine
Producer & 1st AD: Shabtai Itzhak Eden
Editor: Arik Lahav Leibovich
Research: Dr. Liran Gordon
Client: K’s Galleries

Agency credits:
Agency: Leo Burnett Israel
CEO: Adam Polachek
VP Creative: Ami Alush
Chief Client Director: Idit Zukerman
Creative Team: Oren Ben Naim, Meital Miller
Account Supervisor: Orian Liber
Account Manager: Reut Frid
Studio Manager: Sagi Valenstain
Media: Publicis Media
Marcom: Eva Hasson

People, Not Symbols : Leo Burnett Israel

For December 3rd “International Day of Persons with Disabilities”, Access Israel –
the NPO whose mission it is to promote accessibility for people with disabilities in Israel,
is replacing all disabled parking spot signs with the pictures of real people.

You’ve probably seen it happen a zillion times and you’ve maybe even done it yourself once or twice. By that I mean park in a spot for disabled people.

Yeah, we’ve all seen it happen before: a car blitzing into a parking spot reserved for the disabled only for its driver to step out seconds later on two perfectly functioning legs. Sure, if you ask the driver he’ll probably have a whole battery of excuses to go with his blatant misbehavior and disrespect. Anything ranging from: “I’ll only be a second”, “I’m just picking up my wife” to “What’s the rush? You’re sitting in a wheelchair anyway!” and our personal favorite: “I DIDN’T SEE THE SIGN”.


Burger King Presents The NafNa Phone by Leo Burnett Israel

Israeli Independence Day is also known as ‘National BBQ Day’, because everyone – and we mean e v e r y o n e – is gathering around their grills for a celebration.

Really. True story J. Come to Israel on that day and you will see people fanning their grill everywhere: from national parks and the beachfront sands right down to traffic islands left for those who simply didn’t get up early enough to capture a spot. (Seriously, just google “Israel independence day BBQ” and you’ll see things here are mental!)

So as the flamed grill pros BURGER KING are, they decided to help everyone get ready for the holiday, and created an interactive mobile phone pre-loader ad experience which invited people to practice their BBQ fanning skills… with their phone!

The higher the flame they managed to fan up– the higher the discount they got on a delicious grill flamed Whopper Meal.

And if you want to try to ‘LeNafNef’ yourself, here is a link to our interactive ad: http://camp.spotad.co/rch/burger_king0417/index.html

Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett Israel
CEO: Adam Polachek
CCO: Ami Alush
CTO: Yacov Zoaretz
Copywriters: Elad Gaizler, Ouriel Ferencz, Oren Ben-Naim
Art-director: Meital Miller
VP Clients: Idit Zukerman
Account Supervisor: Laura Zimin
Agency Producer: Menny Zarhia
Production company: Tiferet


Samsung Gaming Marathon

If you’ve ever participated in a marathon, you’ll know that at every marathon event they use the chest chip and stepping pad combo as a system for measuring a runner’s results. So this year, to capitalize on the massive participation in the Samsung Marathon – Israel’s largest running event – we decided to HACK THE RUN FOR GOOD by turning the marathon course into a gaming track and the runners into players.

How? By adding more stepping pads along the running course and turning them into game coin collection points.

Every time a runner steps on one of the pads, he collects a coin which is registered in real time via his chest number chip, added to our database and turned into real money. At the end of the marathon, the sum accumulated is then donated on behalf of the runner to the charity of his choice.

From our preliminary data, participation numbers are set to hit a new record high with 40,000 runners attending from all over the world (from over 40 different countries) so we’re talking about lots of money that will be making a difference for many people. Now that’s worth running for!

Samsung Gaming Marathon

Samsung Gaming Marathon

. Run. Play. Donate.


Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett Israel
Chief Executive Officer: Adam Polachek
Executive Creative Director: Ami Alush
Copywriter: Oren Ben Naim
Copywriter: Oded Zur
Art Director: Meital Miller
Art Director: Raphael Nattiv
Producer: Menny Zarhia
Account Director: Limor Michaeli
Account manager: Tseela Freund
Account Executive: Inna Tubin


Arkia Airlines presents “The Price of Marriage” – a Valentine Special : Leo Burnett, Israel

Arkia is the only airline company in Israel offering a short (5 hours) direct flight to Zanzibar. And yet, when Israeli couples plan their exotic-romantic vacation, their first choices are Thailand or Mexico (over 12 hour flights). So how could we make Zanzibar their destination of choice and bring it closer to their top of mind?

THE ANSWER: A special Valentine’s Day offer based on YOUR marriage.

Book a romantic flight to Zanzibar on Valentine’s Day and get a discount based on the number of years you are married.

Married 1 year? 1% off!
Married 50 year? 50% off!
Well, you get it…

Watch our commercials here:



Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett Israel
Chief Executive Officer: Adam Polachek
Executive Creative Director: Ami Alush
Copywriter: Chen Federing
Art Director: Roei Hazout
Producer: Simi Ben-Zikri
Account Director: Limor Michaeli
Account Manager: Ilana Peisakhin
Account Executive: Inna Tubin