Japan and China lead the way in finalists from Asia Pacific for the prestigious ADC 99th Annual Awards, announced today by The One Club for Creativity.
All finalists will win either Gold, Silver Bronze Cubes, or Merit certification. The complete list of global ADC 99th Annual Awards finalists can be viewed here.
Japan has 54 of the region's 131 finalists this year, the third-most in the world following the US and Germany. Dentsu Tokyo leads in Japan with 22, including five finalists for "Designing Tokyo" on behalf of Mori Building and four for Ezaki Gilco "Pocky the Gift".
TBWA\Hakuhodo Tokyo has four finalists, including three for Japan Para Table Tennis Association "The Most Challenging Pingpong Table". Six Inc. Tokyo also has four, including three for Mori Building "Urban Lab". SHA Inc. Tokyo has three, all for NHK "The Hidden Essence", and Chimaski Kyoto, IC4DESIGN Hiroshima, Ogilvy Japan Tokyo and Shiseido Tokyo each have two finalists.
Mainland China accounts for 48 finalists this year. The Nine Shanghai has four finalists, including two for Nanfu Battery "The Powerful Human Battery". Also with four is T-Change Design Studio Nanjing, all in Publication Design. Nanjing Han Qing Tang Design Nanjing has three finalists, and another design Guangzhou, LiaoDesign Shenzhen, Linshaobin Design Shanghai, SenseTeam Shenzhen and Xiao Du Beijing have two each.
There is one finalist spot each in Hong Kong for Makkaihang Design, Michele Salati, Studio-M and Superunion.
ken-tsai Lee Taipei City has four of Taiwan's nine finalists, including three for Taiwan Tech "Bauhaus 100:Manifest of Practice". MixCode Studio Taipei has two, both for Gogoro Inc. "Gogoro VIVA – Branding Film".
TBWAIndia Mumbai has the country's three finalists, all for NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute "One Mindful Mind".
Countries with two finalists each are Australia (Denomination Ultimo and Mister Darlinghurst), Sri Lanka (both by TBWA\\Sri Lanka Colombo for D'Las International "Aura Incense Barricade"), Thailand (Kzy Agency Thailand and Vaslab, both Bangkok) and Vietnam (La Sonmai Hanoi and M-N Associates Ho Chi Minh City).
New Zealand (Klim Type Foundry Wellington), Republic of Korea (Byeongguk, Ahn with Hana, Lee, both Seoul) and Singapore (UFHO) have one finalist each.
Globally, BBDO New York has the most shortlisted entries with 29, including eight for Monica Lewinsky "The Epidemic" and seven for Sandy Hook Promise "Back to School Essentials". Goodby Silverstein & Partners San Francisco has 23 shortlist entries, including five each for Doritos "Cool Ranch" and Daughters of the Revolution "Lessons in Herstory". TBWA\Media Arts Lab Los Angeles and The New York Times Magazine New York each have 20 entries on the shortlist.
Entries in the ADC 99th Annual Awards increased 6% from last year, coming in from 59 countries. The program is also recognized for celebrating the work of freelancers and small studios, as reflected in its tiered-pricing entry system that makes it more affordable for solo designers and small studios to participate. Work from freelancers makes up 115 finalist spots this year, with another 76 coming from small studios and agencies.
On the cusp of its historic centennial anniversary, the ADC Annual Awards are the longest continually-running global awards program celebrating excellence in craft and innovation in all forms of design and advertising. It differs in focus from The One Club for Creativity's One Show awards, where judges focus on creativity of ideas and quality of execution.
This year's ADC 99th Annual Awards winners will be announced online in mid-May during a very special month of unique original One Club for Creativity programming, details will be announced shortly.
The One Club announces ADC 99th finalists, 131 from APAC
Moderators: kikikikikiki, diptanshu, Dalbir
The One Club announces ADC 99th finalists, 131 from APAC
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