The Free Spirit of India

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The Free Spirit of India

Post by Sundeep »

The evolution of India over the years will have you questioning its liberal, secular, social and democratic norms.
Attire in Ancient Times: During the ancient times woman and Man both were more scantily dressed, their fabrics were transparent.

Freedom of Expression through Art: Artists were free to express themselves. Sculptures portraying nudity adorn the walls of temples and monuments, dance and music was very much prevalent, it was in fact considered very religious.

Scientific Vision: Physics and mathematics was a very important part of their lives. (e.g., masterpieces in architecture) and Ayurveda was used to treat ailments and diseases of the human body.

Gambling, Prostitution and Drugs:
- According to the Vedas, marijuana was considered as a means of attaining happiness and pleasure.
- Gambling is a big no these days, but centuries ago, it was very much in fashion. (Mahabharatam)
- The Arthashastra tells of prostitution as a means to provide sexual pleasure to public controlled by the State.

Values and Free Spirit of Life:
- Doubting the Concept called God: A Hindu sect called Carvaka followed the principals of atheism, materialism formed the basis of their school.
- Role of Transgender: Transgenders in ancient India played an important role in the courts of the Maharajas, helping out in important decision making.
- Sexual norms in Life: ‘Kamasutra’, an ancient book on the act of copulation and a game called Ghatkancuki was very prevalent. Elite men and women would engage in sex to entertain the audience.
- Divorce: The Arthashastra, as quoted ‘An ancient Indian treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy’, in which, divorce finds a place in its set of rules and regulations. This makes it evident that divorce was prevalent and accepted back then..

Source: The Free Spirit of Ancient India - BlogBeats
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vikram sharma
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Re: The Free Spirit of India

Post by vikram sharma »

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