Icon Designers Wanted

Ok Guys! Heres it! One of the most under the carpet areas, but one that funds most of our car EMIs. Advertising Freelance. Post Jobs and debates. Get work and buy another Car!

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Icon Designers Wanted

Post by Hasmukh »

Emoticon / digital sticker designers :
We are a startup and are looking for a creative artist who can design some emoticons and stickers for a mobile app.
We are looking for someone who thinks out of the box, boasts of imagination as his/her asset and can bring imagination to digital existence.
We are looking for integrating sound in small animated stickers for the mobile app. If you have the skill then gt in touch on naresh.shetti@gmail.com or call me on 9886752618. Portfolio is a must! Long terms work expected for the right artist.
mere...paise zara badhayenge...Boss??
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