An NGO looking for a graphic designer (urgent)

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An NGO looking for a graphic designer (urgent)

Post by jainpooja29 »

We are developing a website for a School for the Mentally Challenged
"Prateek". It is a Non-Government Organization (NGO) running a day care
center for people with all types of disabilities with special focus on the
economically disadvantaged sections. They have successfully released 5
children from being chained at home while the parents went to work. Their
current strength is 54 children with a waiting list of 196. There is an
acute shortage of funds and to help them in their endeavours,to secure
better exposure and financial help we need the website uploaded at the

We are looking for a graphic designer who can develop a logo for the
school. People wishing to help (for no cost) can contact Rina
Sharma. Credits on the website will be provided.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
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