
Madhura Chakravarty: In A Chat With An Advertising Creative

Balancer of work & life. Solo traveller. Team player.

Madhura Chakravarty is presently the Associate Creative Director of Monkey Wrench Communications in Kolkata. After a stint at Ogilvy & Mather in Delhi & Kolkata, Madhura realised she’s cut out for a hot-shop that is disciplined to create effective communication even on business cards. After working with brands like Vodafone, Greenply, ITC, Linc Pens, Polar Fans & more, she’s currently aiming to adapt the concept of ‘ikigai’ in life.

Why are you into Advertising?
Honestly, I enjoy the format of advertising which is largely story-telling for me first and then of course followed by brand building. Who doesn’t remember good stories? We remember our exchanges with co-riders, churan-wallahs and our grandmothers in greater detail than our lectures. An engaging narrative is certainly more memorable than a brand’s product window. It helps humanize a brand’s voice while building personality.

Advertising has the allowance of people from diverse backgrounds to arrive at a single platform and work towards a big idea – guitarists, CA professionals, professors, theatre artists – thus empowering the birth of a compelling story together.

I was very clear about being a copywriter after a group project in communication school demanded each of us to write a script on selling dark chocolate. The innumerable ways of selling chocolate to a teenager from 90 odd minds was a fascinating experience that went on to prove the collective power of many minds!


Madhumita Chaudhury : In A Chat With An Advertising Creative

With around 12 years of experience in advertising, Madhumita says she’s only just begun. Utterly full of energy, Madhumita is passionate about life – wanting to devour every experience in all its depth and taste all that life to offer. She loves travelling but is equally happy doing that mentally with a voluminous book in her hand. She is quite comfortable taking up challenges, skydiving included, and that reflects in her work, life and choices. She would like not to be put in a box!

We are all more alike than we know. So the lesser I say the better!

Why are you into Advertising?
I stumbled into it, and isn’t that how most people get into advertising? In some professions like this, a big part of the reward is the work itself, like when you have a great idea. The satisfaction is tremendous. Of course, the unique challenges in advertising make it even more interesting, like your art partner always, diligently, typing out the copy you mailed him on the layout instead of copy-pasting it, and sending it to the boss, or worse the client, before letting you copy check! But beyond that, I find it a rewarding career, and as with everything else, perseverance and commitment pays.

Did you attend school for fine art or design or Communications?
No such luck. I nurtured my mind with a BA English Honours. And then ruined it all with an MBA [kidding].


Nikhil Kashyap : Copywriter Content Creator

Nikhil is a copywriter/ content creator from Bangalore. He’s more an introvert and can appear to be reserved initially. Cycling and photography are two of his interests that’s perused actively. His dog cookie plays a vital role in his life. In short, he’s a proud foodie, avid reader and a person who has a keen interest towards the spiritual side of life. 

Why are you into Advertising?
I have a strong aversion to routine. The fact that each day in advertising holds something different is the main reason for me to be in this profession.  

Did you attend school Communications School or BMM or Literature..?
I did my BA in Journalism, and yes Literature was one of the subjects which I studied during the course of my under graduation. 

What makes a good writer?
It’s been 5 years since I’ve taken up writing as a profession. I will need a few more years of experience to answer this question with absolute confidence. As of now, I personally feel a good writer is one who keeps his/ her/ other writing simple, thoughtful and impactful.   


Harry Goswami : In A Chat With A Creative Director

Harihar Goswami is a creative professional oscillating between BTL and ATL campaigns for brands across the corporate spectrum. Currently working as a Creative Director at QED Communications, he transcends between the roles of a Copywriter, Director and Creative Director with ease and an ‘occasional’ lack of punctuality.

I’m a bag of mixed popcorn – an advertiser for the butter, a poet for the cheese and a filmmaker for the salt! People around me will tell you that I’m someone who thinks everybody else is wrong and only I am right. They are wrong.
Politically opinionated, emotionally driven, humorously grumpy and chaotically organized – I could go on and on but eventually my list of catchphrases will run out and I still would not know how to describe myself.

Why are you into advertising?
Well, it’s the closest you can get to becoming an artist without actually being paid like one. Atleast that’s how it started for sure!

Did you attend school for fine art or communications?
Filmmaking has been my dream from the beginning, and that’s how I ended up joining a communications institute in Delhi. Studied for a year, realized filmmaking or as a matter of fact – any form of creative expression cannot be taught – and decided to drop out!

How do awards impact your career as an advertising creative?
Personally, I could not care less, as I don’t think awards in advertising make sense. We are driven by client needs and our job is to do what’s best for the brand – and that more often than not, is not the most creative! If anything, awards should be decided by a spike in product sales!


Aritra Dutta : In Conversation With A Much Awarded Advertising Creative

Meet Aritra. You can call him Awri. Currently ranked #16 on the list of D&AD’s Most Awarded Copywriters 2018 and #22 on the One Show Creative Rankings, Aritra believes that an idea is like a resilient, highly contagious virus. After a stint with Ogilvy India, he is now teaming up with great creative minds at Ogilvy Singapore to infect brands with integrated campaigns. 10 years in the industry and winning 7 Cannes Lions has only managed to fuel his insatiable appetite for great work. And if he’s not in the office, you’ll find him binge-watching latest TV series and comic-book movies, cheering for Arsenal and travelling around the world and dining at the best restaurants.

Why are you into Advertising?
Well, there are the obvious clichés like not being an academic student, loving the stories in the textbooks and watching ads on TV or in theatres. But the most compelling one was that after my board exams, I realised I won’t be a good engineer, doctor or a chartered accountant. Next, I tried learning animation, but art or designing were not my strong points. The next choice was advertising. Thankfully, it worked out.

Did you attend school for fine art or design or Communications?
Well, I attended a course on advertising in St. Xavier’s College which they ran in partnership with Advertising Club, Kolkata. Although, I don’t remember anything that was taught there. But, it got me in touch with people who helped me land my first advertising job as an intern. P.S. I also dropped out of MBA, because of my advertising job.

You have won so many awards etc. How has that impacted your career?
I’m a strong believer in awards and I believe that people who say awards don’t matter only say so because they haven’t won any. I feel awards get you noticed by the very best of the creative minds in the industry. Once you win, the recruiters start calling you for new opportunities and promotions comes more easily. But, the best part is winning awards makes me hungrier. After winning gold in Cannes Lions and D&AD Graphite Pencils, I want to win that coveted Grand Prix and the Yellow Pencil.


Anindita Das : In A Chat With A Copywriter

Anindita is an advertising copywriter currently leading the creative team handling IKEA, Max Healthcare and Roca Sanitaryware. When she is not gazing at the computer screen, she is most probably solo travelling, secretly writing soppy poetry, concocting an unheard of recipe, clicking a complete stranger’s photo, walking around Safdarjung Enclave or day dreaming behind the wall.

Why are you into Advertising?
I was inclined towards writing from an early age. Stories and books have always enthralled me. In the end, I realized advertising is nothing but good story telling.

As a child growing up in a Guwahati, going to the book fair and watching an occasional movie, were my only forms of entertainment. My fondest memories are also of my father telling me bedtime stories. That’s how I picked up the knack of cooking up the most bizarre stories to enact at playtime.

English also happened to be the subject I studied the least at school. All of them put together, my career was meant to be in advertising. Today, I feel I am a consummate brand story teller.

Add to that the perks of logging into your facebook account before you check your official mail… being dressed in pajamas one day and in bling party wear another day… and oh, not having to call anyone ‘Sir’!


Tanvi Tandon : In a Chat With An Advertising Creative

Tanvi Tandon is an award winning Copywriter, hailing from Mumbai in India and currently residing and working in New York City. She aims to bring a dash of bravery back into the Indian advertising scene after her stint in the US. She is currently in the midst of publishing her children’s book ‘What If?’ and can commonly be found grooving with her headphones on and eyes closed on a subway platform.

Why are you into Advertising?
Because of the insane opportunity to shape public opinion (for the better!). Career wise, it’s also like the chilled-out middle ground between corporate boredom and self-employed struggle.
Personally, I like being creative. I also like to write. Why wouldn’t I want a job that rolls both into one convenient little package and pays me for it?

Did you attend school for fine art or design or Communications?
Yes, I recently graduated from the Miami Ad School, Miami where I did the copywriting portfolio course. Prior to that, I received my Bachelor’s degree in Mass Media at KC College, Mumbai University.


Tell us about your many Awards? How has that impacted your career? Do clients listen to you more?
I believe anyone who hates on awards only does so because they haven’t won any (or wish they had). The wins were a result of 2 years of hard work. They helped immensely with my visa application process (to the USA) and with getting a good start in the industry. Feels good to see raised eyebrows when you mention a couple of Clios.
I wouldn’t say I have had too many opportunities to communicate my wins to clients and notice the effect. However, prospective employers are instantly impressed, and my seniors at agencies take my ideas a little more seriously, even when I was still an intern/junior.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
As a writer, my biggest style influence will always be Roald Dahl. His work for both children and adults is so interesting, different, and inspiring.
As a person, my biggest role model is my father. For his work ethic, intelligence, and general awesomeness.

Who was the most influential personality on your career in Advertising?
I have had many invaluable mentors. From each of them I have retained words that have shaped my career, and instead of naming one I will list the best things I have learnt from them all:
“If you’re on time, you’re already late” – Ron Seichrist, (Founder of MAS)
“The best writing is based on experiences. If you don’t experience enough things, how will you write about them? Try everything!” – Sagar Mahabaleshwarkar (CCO, Cheil India)
“A headline/tagline is only good enough when you’re willing to tattoo it onto your skin.” – Erik Vervroegen (ECD, TBWA/Chiat/Day NYC)
“You have two ears and one mouth – that means you must listen twice the amount you speak.” – David Uribe (VP/CD, Asylum Marketing)
“Good things come to those who hustle.” – Pierre Lipton (CCO, 360i NY)

Where do you get your inspiration?
Observation. People tell me I walk slowly, which is especially a problem in New York City, but I do so because I am drinking in my surroundings. Watch human interactions. Overhear conversations of passers-by. Notice the beauty and detail in everything. There is inspiration to be found literally everywhere.

Tell us something about the RXM Creative work environment. 
RXM is a boutique digital agency, and we are a total of 7 people. The founders, Raul and Mihai, are always pushing for work that breaks the mould. They want to create interesting and brave content, and have so far been pretty successful. It’s nice to work in a place where there aren’t 100 levels of hierarchy that an idea must survive through; and where petty office politics don’t affect the quality of the work.

What do you think of the state of Print advertising right now? At least here in India, the released work is most often too sad?
I’m not sure what you mean by sad – I have not noticed emotionally depressing work in particular from India this year, nor did it seem too pathetic. Personally, I feel like print overall as a traditional medium is failing, but the ideas and concepts that go into making good, creative print ads still apply as social media content. In fact, more people will see it online than in actual print itself, so as long as the Indian industry recognizes this shift, keep the good work coming! The USA has already been catering to this shift for some time now.

Do you think brands whose advertising wins awards, do well in the market?
Not necessarily. A campaign that wins awards may not immediately lead to sales growth, but it’s still so important because it cultivates the brand’s image. Award winning work like REI’s #OptOutside required them to forego Black Friday sales numbers nationwide, but made a huge difference to public perception of the brand.

What advice do you have for aspiring creative professionals? 
Never settle on the first idea (or the 10th). Don’t wait for good things to come to you; if you want it, make it happen yourself. Be kindest to the least powerful person in the room.

Whom would you like to take out for dinner?
Justin Roiland, I need to know how his brain works and how he could come up with something as amazing as Rick and Morty.

What’s on your iPod?
This question is worth its own separate interview. I am ‘Vibrosphere’ on SoundCloud, listen to mostly electronic music of various genres (chill, psytrance, RnB, experimental, etc)
Link to a playlist of my favourite chill music from the past two years.

Mac or PC?
Mac, duh. PC for gaming though.

Whats your Twitter Handle?

24X7 Fresh by Seagull Pune

Advertised brand:
Advert title(s): Fresh Banana
Headline and copy text (in English):A Fresh banana provides instant energy and restores balance in the body. Its peel on the other hand can just do the opposite.
Buy the freshest fruits only on
Advertising Agency: Seagull Advertising, Pune, India
Creative Director: Sanju Ayyar
Art Director: Shailesh Meshram
Copywriter:Sanju Ayyar
Illustrator:Shailesh Meshram

Short rationale (optional): The ad campaign through quirky, interesting lines explains the innumerable, unknown facts about farm and dairy products which are available on the client website.

24x7 fresh copy
