Adil Siddiqui : Designer

Adil Siddiqui is a Mumbai based Pixel Builder aka Designer. He is currently working with a startup called Genii where he Designs User Interfaces and Build User Experiences, he also makes simple and fun illustrations in his free time. He is very creative and passionate in whatever he does, loves his friends, loves Mumbai, loves Mustang 1967 and loves Chicken(deep fried).

His personal illustration / graphic design work can be found on his Tumblr and recently he has started posting some of his professional work on his Behance.

Why are you a Graphic Designer?
Well honestly I don’t know, I never thought I will end up being one. I was one of those who never use to think about my future and what I wanted to do with my life. In college I studied Commerce and then Computer Science. I had no idea what I was doing until I stumbled upon Photoshop and Illustrator and all of a sudden I developed a keen interest in designing. ( I still can’t believe I became a designer)

Did you attend school for fine art or design?

You have a distinct style of Design. How long did it take you to develop your style?
I’m still developing it, I normally scribble my ideas on paper and then develop them directly in illustrator. I’m horrible at traditional way of drawing so I use a Wacom tab to draw digitally which gives me the liberty of ‘ctrl + z’.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
My dad. He works tirelessly and most importantly he helps others selflessly, which I try to do.

Who was the most influential personality on your career in graphic design?
It’s only been close to 2.5 years I started designing. My family even though doesn’t seem understand what I do at my job have always believed and supported me plus few of my close friends always appreciate and critique my work that helps. Also I follow and try to be a part of online artist communities. Watching other artists workflow always excites me.

When did you start freelancing?
After doing many free work for friends and relatives. I started doing / getting freelance work from past 2 years.

Was there any time when you wanted to quit graphic design?
No. And hopefully never.

Are many advertising agencies hiring graphic designers? Do you work more with agencies or publishers?
I worked for an advertising agency for a brief period. I was no good at that time but I was still hired, i’m pretty sure there are many opportunities out there for Graphic Designers. Now I work with an awesome company called Genii. And occasionally take up freelance work.

Do you have clients who give you steady work or do you advertise for new clients often?
Thankfully till now I never had to advertise or go out to ask for freelance work, I’v either got work from my contacts or people contacting me via my tumblr blog.

Any other Indian graphic designers who you admire?
There are many amazing designers out there, most of them I have recently discovered. The one I absolutely love is Nithin Kumblekar, his illustrations are mind blowing.

What advice do you have for aspiring creative professionals? Would you advise them to take on graphic design as a career option?
I never knew what I wanted to do with my career so i’m the last person to give advise on career. But I will say this, the best part of being a Designer for me is that I get to solve problems with designs, to be creative, needing to think outside the box and in the process get to create something which doesn’t exist. And that is beautiful.

Do you think Clients are opening up to keeping aside a decent respectable budget for design work? Do you think clients are understanding that they need to invest in Design as a communication tool and also to cut the clutter, and that good design comes at a price?
Honestly i’m still searching for a client who understands the importance of design. To be fair my client list is not long but I hope someday I will find an ideal client or maybe not.
But in general I think lately clients are opening up and investing good amount in design.

Mac or PC?

Who would you like to take out for dinner?
A person who can eat more chicken than me, i’m honestly still looking for that person.

What’s on your iPod?
I always have Coldplay on my playlist.




















2 thoughts on “Adil Siddiqui : Designer

  1. Narayan says:

    This is inspiring. Adil, are you able to make a healthy living from freelancing?

  2. Adil Siddiqui says:

    Hi, Sorry for the late reply.

    I work full time and do freelance along with it in my free time 🙂

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